Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hiking Day

Yesterday was a good I went hiking with a buddy of mine. It was a little windy, but all in all a good hike. This is Sliverwood Lake, Ca I'm not entirely sure what the snake is below, but I have a feeling it is either a Diamondback or a Mojave rattlesnake. We just resting on a beach when we saw the snake swim across to our side, so of course I approached with cation to try & not scare it. So I hope you enjoy these shots.  


Some of the guys I work with decided to play a couple games of paintball, so I thought this was a good time to practice some sport photography. I've always enjoyed watching the game & it definitely is a fun game to play. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Seaside Car show

I have a cool set of car photos to show from yesterday. It was a daughter & myself day so we decided to go to the beach when we left Newport beach we found our way to Huntington Beach were they were having an Easter Seaside Car show going on. These are only from my phone because when I reached for camera turns out I grabbed the wrong battery it was dead :(, but it's okay I made memories with Tesla.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Elizabeth is having a rock star baby!

One of my friends was expecting her first baby & I'm so glad & lucky that we had found the time to do this shoot because the next day she went to the hospital and gave birth. So here is a preview...