Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dirt City Roller Rats vs. Foothill Foxy Flyers

Hey everyone,

I've finally got out to see a game of The Dirt City Roller Rats (DCRR) vs. The Foothill Foxy Flyers. As I said in my post Roller derby is anger management at its finest. It is a fast paced, full contact and strategic plus athletic.
Definitely not a sport to learn in one day 
There are five players from each team 4 blockers and a jammer.
Blockers: are there to assist their jammer block opponent.
Pivot: lead and directs blockers they are the ones with the stripe on their helmets
Jammers: Pass opposing blockers to score points they are the ones with the stars on their helmets.
  1. When the first whistle the game starts with the "Pack" leading off. Once the second whistle goes off then it is the jammers job to get through the pack while the blockers are doing what they do best.
  2. The first jammer through becomes the "lead jammer"
  3. The second pass is where the jammer passes the opposing blockers to score. A lead jammer can call of the jam. 
Roller derby is really a great empowerment for women all over the world.
So with all this being said I hope you enjoy the photos from the game.     

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